Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Getting 2 more units of blood!

I had my blood checked yesterday and received a phone call from the hematologist saying that I needed to go and get 2 units transfused Tuesday. My hemaglobin was 6.8. Last Monday it was 6.9, so even with the 2 units of blood, I still dropped. At least I was not crawling to get to the restroom. The nurse said that my body is just adapting to it being so low. I knew Monday when I went to get my blood checked, that it was low, but didn't think of it being that low considering I was able to get around without feeling like I was going to pass out. So here I sit in a hospital bed basking in the sunshine from the hospital room enjoying what I can of this BEAUTIFUL day, as I get my 2 units of blood. I have an appointment with the hematologist on Thursday. We'll see what he has to say. God is so good!! I am so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for all your prayers, letters, emails, and love.

Jamie :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's gotta be a better week, right?!

I felt bad Sunday night and Monday morning when I woke up and I knew I had to get my blood checked.  I was due for bloodwork for Cleveland but wasn't due for a CBC to check my hemaglobin and  hematacrit.  I called my hematologist office and left a message with the Dr on call Sunday and he called me right back and said he would call on in for me for Monday to do with the rest of the labs.  With the help of my sweet honey, we got the bloodwork done and back home to bed.  I was very dizzy, weak, headache, seeing spots when up for just a few minutes and felt like passing out. My heart rate was up to 130 several times through out the day.  Well I got a phone call from the nurse saying I was at a critical low and needed to be transfused.  So I went today from 8-5 and received 2 units of blood.  Thank the Lord that with my pre-meds and lots of prayer- I had no reaction to the blood!  I got a bag of benadryl and solu medrol to help before getting the blood and then some tylenol also.  Thank you Lord for it all going well.  I even slept a lot of the time...which I needed.  I know I have said it in the past, but look into your community at when they are doing a blood drive and donate blood if you are able too!!  I can't thank the people enough who have donated blood.  I am O Positive.  I realize not everyone is able to donate, but for those of you who can and are able-please look into helping.  What a way to help someone in need.

I am so thankful to the Lord for his love and strength.  I'm gonna keep praising Him thru the storm.  He is my EVERYTHING.  Amazing he knows what my tomorrow holds and just what I need. So thankful I can keep leaning on Him and know that he bears our every burden.  That nothing is too big for Him.

Matthew wheeled me from my room out to the car.  As we were waiting for Shane to bring the car up he wrapped his arms around me from the back and said Mom, I'll keep you warm.  Awe... melt this Mama's heart.  I sure love my kiddos and my sweet Honey, and thankful to God for all that He has done and is going to do! God is so good to me!!  I am so BLESSED!

Love you and Pray you have a wonderful rest of the week-

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Where do I begin?!

I am ready to be done with this week and put it behind me. Medically speaking, I am running low grade fevers since I have been off my antibiotic Tuesday afternoon. Of course Tuesday midmorning I had a Dr. appointment with the surgeon and the site looks good! That is a plus but we don't need any other infections brewing, so please pray. I am still a bit sore from surgery but I think I just overdid it on Friday and today.

The reason for overdoing it was....my sweet honey and I awoke to a loud constant buzzing at beautiful 3:30 am Thursday morning. We woke up and realized it was not his alarm. He tells me to check the extension cord on my side of the bed. In the meantime he goes in and brushes his teeth and is gonna get ready for the morning. I check the cords all out on my side of the bed and I say to him that it's not coming from any of my things and it sounds like it's the basement. He goes to the kitchen door and looks down to a water filled basement. LONG story short we are staying here at the house for the first time since Thursday. We had over a foot and a half of sewer water floating around in our basement. ICKY, STINKY, AND ALOT OF WORK!!! That is what the past 2 days have been. We didn't have insurance coverage and what was most valuable to us, money could never replace. I had things sealed in rubbermaids in our storage room. This included about 8 rubbermaids of Christmas all of which were ruined except for one box. Included in the rubbermaids was the kids baby memorabilia-things from the younger two's stay in the NICU, birth certificates with their baby footprints which were the only ones I had, birthday cards, Matthew's first haircut, all of their first tooth they lost.... and the list goes on and on of heartbreak. Things that can never be replaced but I am grateful to at least have each of them. We lost lots and lots of photos- dating, engagement, marriage and kid and family pictures. My journal of wedding ideas, list of invites from our wedding, and the list goes on and on. We also lost all our wedding cards which I held onto and were very special since our wedding album was misplaced when we moved. It had signatures on cards that I can never replace and was something dear and special to me. Shane and I have lost all our Grandmas, and the cards had their personal handwriting and sentiments on them. We held them all dear to our hearts but it's things like that that I can never get back or replace. I held it together for a good 2 hours and had to come up to my room and just bawl. My precious daughter came up and gave me a big hug from behind and quietly said, ‘it'll be okay Mom’. It just hurt knowing that the memories we had saved for down the road were gone. I don't want to sound ungrateful, because yes-I have my family, we are all safe and can move on with life, but there is just something heart renching about pulling things that were precious memorabilia out of a rubbermaid that is drenched in sewer water, just sopping wet as you toss it into a garbage can. It is photos that we must have thrown the negatives away to and ones that people had given us that they had taken, that just rips your heart out. It was just a hard day for me physically and emotionally. Today I can say was a bit better, hard yes, but I know I made it through yesterday and can do the same today. Our things such as the furnace, water heater, washer, and dryer seem to all be back in working order- just like us. I also lost probably an easily $300 or so in scrapbook things, but all that is replaceable over time. I am blessed and ready for a better week ahead:) God is so good and I am thankful I still have my precious family all together with me and that we still have memories in our lives to share. Just gotta start fresh again and make sure that the memories will be ones that they can remember and share on their own. My sweet honey and I have been married for a wonderful 16 years together and this was our first real disaster. God helped us thru it and I pray we can go 16 plus more years without any other disasters. Thank you for letting me share my heart and just be open with you! Most of all thank you for your prayers!!

Love You-