Everyday is Mother's Day, but we celebrated Friday thru Sunday. It began with kids bringing home goodies they made for me on Friday and ended Sunday night with 2 sundaes -one from Dairy Queen and one from Culver's. I enjoyed a few bites of each and the rest was for the kiddos to enjoy!:) I am so blessed to have 3 beautiful miracles from God called my children. I AM BLESSED!!!! They are my joy and I am so blessed to be called their Mama. I am proud of each of them!! They work hard and help me so much around the house. I love how unique each of them are and stand in awe of all of God's goodness. I am appreciative to God for allowing me to raise them and entrusting them to me. We have dedicated them to Him, and my prayer is that He molds them and uses them anyway He chooses. Sometimes I feel like it reverse roles and they are taking care of me. :) I want to do my very best to be the Mama that God has called me to be. My heart is full and so thankful for another year. God has given me to be with them.:) God is so good to me!!! I AM SO BLESSED!
Thanks to someone out there who gave blood. I was able to receive 2 units of blood yesterday. My Hematologist called Thursday and said that my blood was low, so I went Sunday morning and got type and crossed and Monday was able to be given 2 units. I have an appointment with him this Thursday so we'll see what the next step is. Hope to be able to update the blog on Thursday again.:) So stay tuned ;)
This laugh is free, so sit back and enjoy...:) Today was a gorgeous, warm, sunny, day. One of the kids decided to open up the window to their bedrooms. No names, but child 1,2,or 3 opened a window to his or her room and it did NOT have a screen on it. This took place between 5-8 today. I decide to make my way up to take a RELAXING bath upstairs while my sweet honey took the 3 kiddos on a walk. I notice that a lot of windows are opened upstairs and some flies. YUCK! Nothing like a beautiful day and having a FLY swarming around as you get ready to relax for a few minutes. I check the windows and notice there is no screen on this particular window in one of their bedrooms. I close it and proceed to the bathroom to make sure there are NO flies. I didn't find one, so I close the door and take a bit of relaxing bath and go downstairs. Once my sweet honey came home from the walk, I let him know what had happened and let him talk to children-1,2,and 3 about leaving a window wide open with no screen. So thankful it wasn't night time and a bat got in.;) In the meantime, the girls and Matthew are keeping tabs on this giant horsefly. Yuck-I am not about to try to sleep with this thing flying all around. So I confine him to my bathroom and slam the door to keep him in with me. It was him and I and I am ready to duke it out with this Fly Guy. Round 1 began and I am swatting at it and I get dizzy just watching the crazy feller fly around. I promise he must have gotten a buzz every time he hit the light bulb. I am worn out, but not ready to give in. I make some Karate noises to try to scare him off and in the background can hear the kiddos laughing. Long story short.... I got him. I just kept hitting him with a towel till I could get him knocked down. I was tuckered out from getting that little guy! Matthew came in our bedroom and said, "Mom it's like David and Goliath and he was the giant and you killed him!" I said, "yeah Matthew, you're right. I got him, although I will say that little guy gave me a BIG workout!" :) HA!
Night! God Bless!
Love ya-