Let's see if I can try to fill in the gaps since the last post from Saturday November 8. On Sunday I walked the entire circle of the floor. The epidural was then removed and the pain became very intense. I was given some pain reliever through the central line and ended up with a bad reaction to it. Thankful for Gods hand once again pulling me out. Monday was a better day. I was even, able to have an aide wash my hair which, by the way, felt wonderful. It wore me out a bit but it was well worth it!! On Tuesday I was getting my things packed up. A social worker came in and asked if I could be ready to go by 9 Wednesday. I said yes ma'am no problem!:) Wednesday morning came and 9 am was not going to happen. I had some patient teaching I had to finish and was still finishing up my TPN from the night before. We got the green light to go about 1:00. Not bad:) It felt wonderful to be outside. The doctors and staff were all impressed by my recovery and how well things are going. They would do their rounds in the mornings and were always saying keep up the great work, and how thrilled they were to see how great things were. To God be the glory! It is his strength and healing that has brought me through this! Thank you for all your prayers for me, Shane and our children.
Wednesday night at the hotel was a bit of adjustment from being in the hospital. Thankful for a wonderful loving handsome "nurse" who took care of me. :) I didn't get woke up to IV's beeping, calls over the intercom for staff, the sound of helicopters coming in and out,and the list goes on.:) Thursday morning was early due to the fact of the In Home Care nurse coming to my hotel room. I got ready and got some supplies out for her. She lives in West Lake near the hotel we were in. She was helpful and very nice. She said she would be back on Monday to due to some labs and help with the dressing change and things. By Thursday evening it was snowing. By 8 that night it was sticking and looked like a blizzard at times. Snow was piling up quickly on the roads,vehicles, trees, and whatever else was outside that it could find to stick to. East Cleveland had already been hit with 10 inches of snow and West Lake had around 3 inches or so. We got up at 5 am Friday to try to leave out early for my blood work. We left the hotel at 6:30 and arrived at the hospital at 8:30, it took 2 hours to go 30 minutes away. I got a good report at the Dr.'s appointment and with all the progress I made they gave me the green light to go home as long as I would be back a week later on November 21. I said no problem!! YES!!! I was given the ok to be home in my bed, in my own home, with my KIDS!!! Thank you LORD!!!! It was answered prayer considering I was discharged November 12 and this was only the 14. I was told many times prior to surgery- about 1 week as an inpatient in the hospital, and 2-3 weeks in the hotel. Well God just sped up the process and I was able to only have a few days of hotel stay...not even a week! By the time we left the hospital that Friday from all the appointments we were back in traffic that evening leaving the hospital. We both were exhausted from the excitement of the news and the early morning. We were heading to get Shane a sandwich and go to the hotel when I accidentally put my crushed pain medication for my J-tube in my central line to my heart. not good...but I have ONE BIG GOD!! Thankful for HIM sparing my life! We made a few phone calls to my Dr's to find what we should do....head back to the main campus and go to the ER. Pass go and don't get your $200.00 go directly to jail. To God be the glory I didn't have any reaction, but since I had done it I contaminated my central line so it had to be pulled and a new one placed. They started me on some antibiotics and got me back in the hospital on the transplant floor again. I was so upset with myself for what I had done-yet forever grateful that He spared me from anything at all happening. I had a Dr from general surgery waking me up at 2 am on Saturday morning checking on me and reassuring me that I was going to be ok. I was so upset that here I was so close to getting to go home and I messed it up. Something that could have possibly cost my life. I was the talk amongst the DR's cause they never had a patient do something like before. Every time I gave the story they all said they understood how an accident like that could happen. I am so very thankful for God intervening once again for me. I had the line changed out Saturday evening and was discharged on Sunday mid-morning!! From Friday to Sunday each day held miracles!! To God be the Glory- I was able to head home and only be 1 day behind the original plans! On the way home we discussed all the tubes from surgery and added up to 13 tubes that I came out with and within 7 days was able to get it down to 4 with the Lords help:) It was a welcome Home for sure!! We pulled up to the house and there was a arrow sign saying Welcome Home Shane and Jamie! On the other side it said A miracle lives here. Our Pastor and wife put it up. :) I was able to visit and love and snuggle with my precious children before crashing for the night. It was so good to be HOME!!!!!!
Since then we went back for my appointment on the 21st and had my incision that was 20 in long, freed from all staples and stitches. That was not fun but glad that is done with! I got a break from going the Friday after Thanksgiving, with it being Thanksgiving weekend. What a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving week! I am so thankful to be here to celebrate it with family and friends!! What a miracle!! I have so many blessings to count!
We made another trip to Cleveland December 5th for appointments with my GI and the Transplant Dr's. I'm still having issues with the nausea and vomiting. They are wanting to give the J Tube feeds another try again, but waiting for the nausea and vomiting to be more controlled. Glad I have some Dr's that know the drive is a big one especially with us heading into winter wonderland. I'm going to do weekly phone calls with them.:) So glad that we won't have to drive in the bad weather like last year.
I can't thank everyone enough for all the prayers, meals , calls, emails, cards , love,and support.
Thank you!
Love- Jamie