Saturday, January 23, 2016

Closing of a chapter...

It is official! As the stoma is now closed, so is the chapter of the past 6 years of artificial "help" in plugs, wires, tubing, pumps, bags, devices, ...!! The surgery was a great success and I am FREE!! God has led me down a long road and though the journey is far from over, it is at a time of jubilee and rejoicing!

Yesterday was a long day for waiting for the call to surgery, but the call finally came around 2:30pm and off I went. I met the surgical team in the OR and was able to share my story with the few that hadn't heard already and was even sharing some recipes! Before going down for surgery, I had written a short poem and had taped it to my colostomy bag for the OR team to read. It read as follows,....

"It's time to put it down beneath. 
My stoma is being closed up, you see.

Since my transplant, it has been good to me,
But now the time has come to be. 

Please don't weep, but rejoice,
For this for me, is a better choice."

Laughter is like medicine, I believe! And I sure wanted a surgical team feeling their best while I was under.

After surgery, I was in recovery until pain was under control with my array of allergies to so many medications. Once managed, I was back in my room upstairs for a good nights rest. Zzzzzzzz

Today has been another great day! A few walks down the hall and easing back into my normal diet has been the goal. Liquid food ("full liquid") diet has been good to me for today. Tomorrow maybe something to chew!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Another quick update

My levels have come down a little more, thank the Lord! The ultrasound of the kidneys went well. So they now have me on clear liquids and have surgery tomorrow.  I'm not going to get my hopes too high, just in case I get bumped to do an emergency.  It's hard being in the hospital when you're feeling well! There's no way they'd let me go home and come back because I needed the IV fluids.   Thank you for all the prayers and I'll keep this updated.   

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

No surgery, yet...

I haven't had my surgery yet!  My labs Monday showed my creatinine was too high, so they admitted me to get my flushed with fluids, fluids, and more fluids.  I was wheeled down to surgery Tuesday morning and half way down there the transport got a page.   He took the call and said something was high and was to bring me back to my room. They weren't able to do it Tuesday due to the creatinine still too high for surgery.  As of this am it's still coming down,  it's still coming down, but very slowly.  If they do the surgery with it being high, it can cause me to have kidney issues.  I don't need to have any other problems, so in the mean time we camp out here and try to wait it out here in the hospital. No promises, but maybe Friday or Saturday will be surgery.  

Friday, January 15, 2016

In Cleveland we are!

Happy New Year to all of you!! So Thankful for 2015 and looking forward to what God has planned for this year! We ended the year with a church service and fellowship and food  afterwards.  I can't think of another way I'd want it to be! Giving God the glory for what He's done and what He's going to do! BLESSED!!

We are here in Ohio at our friendly hotel (home away from home) in Westlake.  The drive wasn't bad at all.  The sun was shining and roads were totally clear, besides salt on the road. We got in Thursday evening.  I had testing and a Dr's appointment today.  Monday is jam packed with testings and appointments and pre op stuff.  On Tuesday, I'll be having the stoma reversed.  The kids are with us till a day or so after surgery then heading back home.  

Friday evening, after our Dr's appointment, we went for pizza to celebrate someone's BIRTHDAY!  Happy Birthday to my wonderful, caring, patient, and loving husband!!! Afterwards, we went to the store and he picked out some icecream to eat at the hotel. We played Phase 10, but only got to phase 5 and will finish the rest up tomorrow.   

As I was packing for the trip I started cleaning out my last drawer of medical supplies.   It felt so good.  It looks nice not having my bedroom look like a hospital supply room.  In the past several years thats what its become with my G-tube, J-tube,  Ostomy supplies, and everything for my TPN supplies.   I told Shane on the way here I get in a panic thinking I forgot to get my TPN out of the fridge to hook up or bring with me.  It feels wonderful not having to hook up anymore. 

What an intestinal transplant means to me? Being able to go to Church as a Family.  Walking hand in hand with my husband, and him not having to push me in the wheelchair. Having energy to do picnics and go site seeing as a family, and not sitting on a bench alone waiting for them to return.  Not having surprising hospital visits, and missing the kids events.  Going into shops that are small, and not worrying about a wheelchair fitting thru. Being able to be out and about more as a family, and not confined to bed.  Being able to enjoy each day! 

Some are asking about my funding page.  My funding page is on the right side, National Foundations for Transplants.  What a blessing it has been.  Thank you for so much for all who have given.  Whether its been great or small it all helps!  Also thank you for your support with the gift cards, emails, texts, calls, cards, love, and most of all prayers.  Thank you! 

I'll update next week or have Shane.  Have a great weekend!