We made it to Cleveland for my doctor's appointment. It went well. He is very pleased with the weight gain from prayers and TPN. They are going to change the TPN again to have more calories in it so I can gain more weight.:) He said I need to be at 125 to 130 to have the smart pill test. For now the intestinal transplant is on the very back burner and would be the very last option. He said even though I look good, he can tell I am not up to par with my energy. Next time he would like to see me walking from the lobby to his office. It just still doesn't take much to wear me out and exhaust me. I have been doing some excercises and he wants me to continue doing those to build up muscle also. The J-tube is still leaking like crazy. The area is still not closed up so he wants me to follow up with the GI doctor and have a small J tube put in and once it starts to close up around the tube go to a smaller tube and keep going down in size till it closes off.
Good news, I got the cream that I had left there on my bedside from January. They threw that one away and I couldn't get another one. No one knew the name of the "special" paste. I got a script from him while I was there today. The cream seemed to help back in January around the J-tube from the drainage I had around it at the time. You won't believe the name of the paste...CC Paste. How original :) ha ( Cleveland Clinic). I have applied it already several times but it's not staying on too well with the drainage. All I can say is that the j-tube drainage burns and causes terrible pain. The skin is red, irritated, and raw from the drainage which is bile eating away at my skin. Even if it relieves the pain a bit for a couple minutes, it's worth it. I have a follow up appointment again in 3 months. Thankful for a good report and for the progress being made:) To God be all the glory!! Thank you for all your prayers!!
We decided after the appointment to head back to Sturgis, Michigan for the night. We drove in and out of rain through out the way there. Can anyone guess where we ate supper? HMMMM....of course-The Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana. I got me some mashed taters. :) Yummmy! I couldn't finish them so I got a to go container so I can have them for supper again tomorrow night, too. Thankful for a nice comfy hotel for the night and praying for some wonderful rest tonight.
When I talked to the kiddos tonight they were all excited for us to be coming home. I was so glad to be able to tell them that we would be home tomorrow. They all were having one of my Italian Ice's tonight. Can't wait to get home and snuggle with them and give them all big squeeze's.:) We'll even get to see Kelsey off on Wednesday for her first trip on with the youth. :)
One last thing- when we woke up this morning at the hotel- outside our window was the big Oscar Meyer WienerMobile. Pretty neat!!!:) Shane took pictures for the kids to see. Would have loved to have gone inside of it! The receptionist at the hotel here said that a lot of people were pulling off the interstate just to take pictures of it since early this morning. It was the talk of the hotel.:) Wonder what the kids would have done if we pulled up at home in the driveway in that! Ha! Matthew has a hot wheel that is a replica of it.
Thank you for all your prayers, love and the emails of encouragement. God is great and greatly to be praised!!
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