I wasn't even on the list 24 hours and already had a phone call! Those 2 days were already the start of many miracles to come. I was so excited along with all my family and friends! Yet as I talked I reminded people not just to pray for me, but my donors family. Someone was heatbroke, grieving, hurting, and having the worst day of their life.
We made it to the hospital by noon and went to registration. Afterwards we headed up to G101, the transplant floor. By the time we got in the room and went through the admitting questions we did pre-op stuff so that when the time came I would be set and ready to go, it was already 4pm and the nurse came in and said that around 7pm they would be taking me down. I asked her if it was a for sure thing and she said it was still a 50/50 chance till they took me into OR. By 8 pm, transport came to take me. We said prayers and gave hugs and then Shane and the kids followed me to a certain part of the OR, they were allowed to scrub and gown up and wait with me, but we thought it was best to part there. I was placed right outside my OR room. There, one of the surgeons sat a few minutes with me, then we did an anesthetic huddle. The surgeon was moving things along saying we needed to get in there and get started. I was in the hall for maybe 10 minutes tops then being put in the OR room. I asked to pray before they began getting things togther. The surgeon knew I wanted to and promised me we would before I went out. Well, before transfering to the OR table everyone came around me and I prayed. Once I got transferred over to the operating table, my surgeon said hey we need a time out so she can pray. Everyone started laughing and said she's already done it! He spoke up and said, lets do it again. I prayed God's hand upon every person that would be in the room and to guide the surgeons hands, be with my family, and for the donors family as I know today was a hard day for them. I asked for all to go well and for a speedy recovery....in Jesus name... everyone ended with AMEN. A few more minutes went by and I was out.
The surgery took 14 hours. I remember waking up in ICU. I remember the breathing tube and remember not being able to breathe at one point. Not a good feeling. I had all the bells and whistles all going off. The nurse came and pushed the tube down my throat and that made thngs even worse. My eyes were big and alarms were going off like crazy, so I knocked my feet against the bed rail to get anyones attention. My nurse said she was gonna remove the tube and was getting things for it. Glory halelujiah!!! She came right back and took it out!! Ahh, to sleep I went. I was in and out of sleep. I remember Shane, my parents, my in-laws, my Pastor's wife and another young lady, and all 3 of my kids coming back at different times. I remember when the kids were seeing me and one started crying. I took my hand and made a u shaped smile and held it up to her face. She giggled which was music to my ears. Lots of noise in ICU so it's hard to get true rest.
By Monday, they moved me up to the transplant floor. Each new day had a miracle added to it. By Tuesday, I had a rough day. They said that going through something that big I would have good days and bad. So thankful the good days out-weighed the bad though. By Tuesday afternon, our families along with our Pastor and Wife decided it would be best to head home. That was hard because it meant kids were going back to Illinois and it would be a long long bit before seeing them again.
I know I'm gonna miss putting stuff in here, but I wanna move ahead a few days.. by Friday evening I was moved to the best room there! The room had 2 full sets of windows along the 2 walls and you could watch helicopters flying right in fornt of my window. Bigger room and better view! At night time it was gorgeous! By Saturday, I was able to eat clear foods. No NG tube down my nose, no GTube in stomach to drain it right out and I didn't throw up. It was so yummy!!!! By Sunday, when the surgeon came in and said that my jackson pratt drain tubes in my abdomen were showing I had a chylous leak. I was able to stay on clear liquids that day, and was doing wonderful. By Monday when the team did rounds, they said they would advance my diet to a soft fat free diet. Thank you, Lord!! I was brought a turkey sandwich and steamed spinach along with pears. I took the bread off cause I didn't want to to get full on the bread. We Facetimed the kids and we were crying tears of joy! 6 years with no food and able to eat a few bites and it was so yummy! That nite I had a grilled chicken breast with green beans and a bite of angel food with a few peach bites!! Again...tears of joy!!
I am enjoying eating and easing into it. I'm doing 6 small meals a day and I've only gotten sick 1 time. Sometimes a little nauseated but I take meds for it only as needed. I have been doing so well, it was decided I could be discharged to the hotel. Usually patients are in for an intestinal transplant for about a month. I am the 2 patient to have been disharged this early. I am off TPN and just doing one IV bag for hydration daily. We made it to the hotel Friday, and everythings going great! We still will be here 3-6 months post transplant so they can keep an eye for signs of rejection and infection. God has done miracle after miracle daily for me and it's been so amazing. I feel better post transplant now, then I did back a month ago.
I am so thankful to GOD, to Him be all the glory for all that he has done! Thank you to each of you for all of your prayers!!! At this time my Mondays and Thursdays consist of labs at 7 am, a scope and biopsy to make sure all is well since transplant and then a follow up visit with my post transplant coordinator, dietary/nutrionist and seeing one of the Dr's on the team.
I am so greatful at how well my recovery is going! God is so good and wonderful!!!! I want to give Him the praise and thank HIM! Thank you to all of you for all the prayers, calls, emails, cards, financial blessings, love, and support. Continue to please keep me in your prayers. We serve an Awesome God and I stand in amazement of His goodness!
Love- Jamie
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