Monday, September 5, 2016

The journey continues

This is a much needed update.  I have had good intentions of updating it, but you all know how things can change.  Thanks for your patience in waiting.  I have had a tiny scare in July with a spot on my leg that looked like a bug bite.  It got bigger and I was sending pictures to the transplant team to keep in touch.  They didn't like the looks of it and rather than see a dermatologist locally, they called me on a Thursday evening a little after 6 and asked for me to be there by Friday morning for an appointment.  So, quick packing and lots of night driving we arrived at 3:30 in the morning. To check into the hotel and catch a few winks. Got up at 8 for an appointment at 9 with dermatology then the transplant team. The dermatology team biopsied the spot and put 2 stitches in and on my way I went.  Stopped up for the appointment with the transplant team. We basically had to wait for the biopsy results to know what it was and how to treat it.  Thankfully it came back as a bug bite and my skin was inflamed around it from an allergic reaction.  We've had to go back for monthly biopsies, scopes, and appointments.  I just had my last one last week due to a scare that put me into the hospital at KSB for a couple days.  I had a few issues that were concerning enough that I had to have the NG tube down my nose.  No fun at all!  I tried to have them call my GI doctor there to put it in, but he wasn't on call.  The nurse got it in but sure didn't help having that in and a migraine going on at the same time. By the time they got me a bed upstairs I was not feeling great. I kept feeling worse.  By the time I was evaluated by my primary Dr and the resident things were going worse and they had been in contact with the transplant team.  The plan was to get me stable, then transfer me out to Cleveland.  I am so thankful for all the prayers, because God changed things around for me and stabilized me to where things got better.  It took me back a few steps but things are doing better and I am so glad.  After I got out of the hospital, I had to go to Cleveland to make sure there was no rejection with a scope and biopsies.  All checked out well.  Thank you, Lord!  I have so much to be thankful for for sure. We got home on Saturday and I had an envelope waiting for me from LifeBanc.  It had another precious card from my donors family in it. It was perfect timing.  It was a beautiful note from them.  I would love to meet them when they are ready for it.  Please continue to keep this precious family in your prayers.   I appreciate all the prayers for me, but also for them as they move on without their child. 

I have some ask about my donation site.  It is still up and going. We appreciate any and all helps that goes towards to traveling, hotel, and medical bills.  God is so good!! 

The summer has flown by!  I have enjoyed grilling, eating fried green tomatoes, squash, zucchini, corn on the cob, cucumbers, summer walks in the evening, a couple bike rides, and the energy to enjoy life.  I am thankful for good air conditioning also! 

On September 11, it will be a year that I've been home from Cleveland!  It's so good being home, cooking in my kitchen, eating as a family at our dining room table, sleeping in my own bed, being together as family, going to our church, and go out in the community.  I still have to be careful and protect my miracle by wearing a mask just so I don't pick up anything. 

The kids have started school and getting back into routine with it.  They are working hard and staying ahead.  Hopefully we can stay that way.  Kelsey has her driving permit and doing pretty good on her driving.  Yikes!!!  Time is just going too fast! Kailey is taller than Kelsey and Matthew is catching up right her.  We are blessed with three wonderful children who love God, hard working, fun loving,& big helpers.  

Thank you for all your love, prayers, cards, and support you continue to show to my family and I.  I am forever grateful to God for all he has done and so blessed!   

Enjoy each day to its fullest!

Mathew and I on a date together ๐Ÿ’—

The girls

She's driving ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜œ

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