Sunday, January 8, 2017

Reporting From Room 419

Happy 2017 to you all! The year went by fast! I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas! We had a wonderful time with family and friends, enjoying Christmas music, hot cocoa, and car rides to see the lights around town. Sitting at home and enjoying the lights glowing in the room. I enjoyed baking cookies and sweet treats with the girls. We waited till the week of Christmas to get my shopping and wrapping done with the help of the girls. What a blessing they are. They are at the age they want to wrap and decorate the packages themselves. They even helped me send out Christmas cards. We even went Christmas caroling to one house by accident but found the correct one to sing to. Most of all in the midst of it all we still found the joy of celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. God manifest in flesh, came to earth as a little baby to save us from our sins. What a hope we have in Him! 

 I made a return visit to Cleveland at the beginning of December for a road bump. I had to get some testing done once I got back home. Unfortunately the test shows that what is left of my native colon is diseased so I will be needing to have the colostomy back. The transplant team is booked till March, so I have a ways yet before surgery. I am on the cancellation list also just in case there's one. 

I am currently posting this from a river side view at KSB room 419. I started having sinus pressure and a headache on Wednesday evening. Things continued to get worse and I had a low grade temp all day and night Thursday. When I called Cleveland Friday morning they said to go to the ER. So when I got there and had blood test run, CT scan of chest and sinuses, influenza swab, and strep throat swab. The ER Doctor said that the CT results showed pneumonia and a sinus infection. I was admitted and put on 2 IV antibiotics and breathing treatments and 2 breathing appliances to help open up the passages. Not a good way to start my year off, but I have much to be thankful for through it all! God is still Great and has brought me through another test. There's a song that's been going thru my head today and the chorus goes, "I know that I can make it. I know that I can stand. No matter what may come my way my life is in His hands. God is so good to me! I'm so glad that my life Is in His hands." And now 'm getting out today!

 The kids have definitely enjoyed having their Christmas break time. Back to school for them today. I think they are sorta ready to get back into some routine again. Matthew enjoyed helping Shane at the shop a little last week. They all enjoyed late nights and sleeping in. Matthew has a little cleaning job on Thursdays and Kailey babysits once a week. Kelsey has helped Shane a few times at the shop. The girls are taking piano lessons and are enjoying that. They are realizing the importance of practicing. 

 I can't thank you enough for all the cards, emails, texts, monetary gifts, and most of all the Prayers! Words can't express our gratitude for the love and support you have shown to us. Thank you so much!  

With Love,

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