Friday, January 11, 2013


We made it home last night. :)  It felt so good to be in my own bed.  My TPN and supplies were all here at the house.  Shane unloaded the vehicle and it did not take long for me to get hooked up and in the bed:)   I sat my phone alarm so I could take my meds and not get off track.  That is probably one of the hardest things for me when adjusting back to home.  I am the one who has to draw them up and administer them, too!  I have 3 meds that are by IV and one that I do through the J-Tube, so it's not too bad.  It is just so good to be at home with my FAMILY.  

I woke up around 10 and by 11 or so my blood sugar was under 60!  I was feeling pretty shaky so I did a blood sugar check and called to see what to do.  I think tonight I'll check it before bed and maybe early morning to see what it's doing.  The TPN is running at 12 hours instead of 16 and it is so nice.  I am enjoying the freedom of no backpack:)  

Today, I was able to enjoy the kids coming home from school.  The simple little things like a BIG hug, hearing about their day, and the famous words, "I'm hungry!" or "What's for snack?":).  I had fun going through their folders in their backpacks.  Hearing Kailey practice her  recorder.  Listening to all the fun and excitement of their day.  Just sitting in my bed with Matthew and reading a book.  

My wonderful husband came home tonight and with the kids brought up the totes and we put the Christmas decor all away.  I did a little here and there, the kids had a blast tearing down, I mean taking down:), the tree.  I'm sure in the summer, or when I am feeling more up to it, I'll try to go through and organize the boxes a little better.  It feels good to at least have a little bit of the house back in order.  ahhh

Tonight, I am enjoying the sounds of bath water running for kids.  Hearing them play together.  Listening to them laugh and giggle.  The kids going up and down the stairs.  The sounds of suit cases being unpacked. Receiving some much needed hugs and kisses.  

God is so good, and I feel so blessed!

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