It has been a couple busy days that have left my head spinning. I had lab work on Monday and got a call from Cleveland saying that one thing was critically low and wanting me to go it a bag of the phosphorus. Well by the time we got off the phone, they were able to get a vial of it for me to add to my TPN each nite til my TPN gets mixed again on Wednesday. :) That saved me a trip from having to go to the ER when I had the visitation for my friend, Mary, to be attending. forward a few hours later and 9 pm I'm hooking up to my TPN, and when I flush my line I hear a pop and feel something wet. As I look down at my double hickman line, the one I was flushing busted. I think quick, and remember that I had a repair kit that they gave me for cases like this. Shane found it and we put a plastic hemastat clamp on it to keep any air and germs out. We look at the instructions in the kit and decide we better not try to do this on our own since we had one chance to do it right. We got to the ER and they thankfully were able to fix it temporarily.
We came home and hooked to TPN. With the way my blood sugars have been, I was told to check them occasionally. Well, I remember at 12 am and so I hurry and check it-236. I wrote it down and went back to sleep. The next morning while I was getting ready for the funeral I was fixing my hair and all of a sudden bright splotches of light was all I could see. I got to my bed and checked my blood sugar...50. YIKES! I did some sugar and a sip of juice and 20 minutes later it was up to 72. What a crazy few days! So thankful for prayer. Who knows what Gods kept me from the past few days also!
My little guy is croupy and temping off and on. Trying to nurse him to health and protect myself from it at the same time. It's hard not loving on him-just find different ways to do for now:) Hate him being sick ,but enjoying the time together.
Tomorrow is the bone marrow biopsy in Peoria. It's not till 1 pm and then Monday I go to Moline for a consult for my Hickman line and Tuesday they will put a new one in. I've learned to always be ready for whatever is to come. I would never have guessed last week that all this craziness would have happened, but I am blessed to say through it all I'm still trusting in God and leaning on HIS everlasting arms and thanking HIM for the strength he gives. I'll keep praising HIM through it all.
Thank you for all your prayers!
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