Thursday, June 20, 2013

Quick Update

Today I had my hematologist appointment.  I am still below normal on my vitamin B12,but my hemaglobin is holding steady.  Instead of doing a weekly injection of the vitamin B12, they are changing it to daily injections.  I have bloodwork the next two Monday's to make sure that my hemaglobin is doing well and then in 2 weeks I see her again.  It was a good appointment and was able to make sure all is squared away for Cleveland next week.  After my appointment was done I had another iron infusion done in the treatment room.  It was crazy busy in there today.  I walk away from that room always with a thankful heart knowing things could be MUCH worse. I AM BLESSED!!  May God touch each of those who are having treatments done.  I don't know many that are in getting the treatments, but there are a few I do know and keep them in my prayers daily.

The kids are enjoying their summer as it's flying by!!! Summer, slow down please!!!!  Hard to believe in 2 weeks it'll be July!!  YIKES!  I still have lots of fun plans for the kids that I haven't done!  They are enjoying their weekly library trip, then going to the park to play and eat lunch. :)  Next week the Library has their Summer Reading program for the kids.  They always look forward to going.

Have to share this moment with you...ENJOY:)
ME:  Matthew, what are you doing? (As he is making a lot of noise in the kitchen)
MATTHEW: I'm getting a drink, Mom.  I don't want to get dehydrated!!
ME:  Matthew, do you know what dehydrated means?
MATTHEW: No, I just know it's something serious!
ME: It means your body is very thirsty and needs fluid very badly.
MATTHEW: See, I told you, Mom. (Kitchen door slams and out the door to play again)

Gotta love it!:)

Have a great weekend everyone!  Make sure to take time to enjoy the simple things! :)
Luv ya-Jamie

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