Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Update from the Peds unit

I am back reporting to you from room 351 in the peds unit.  All went well, and took the line out with 2 tiny stitches left and some soreness that is trying to settle in.  My mouth is extremely sore from the scope yesterday with me having thrown up while they were doing the procedure. NOT FUN.  Glad to be on the road to recovery though!!  NO fevers, chills, body aches.  THANK YOU,  LORD, for once again bringing me thru all of this.  He is so good to me and as Dave Ramsey says, "better than I deserve".  So glad that the infection did not go to my heart.  My blood count is staying about the same and thankfully has not dropped enough for me to need blood.  I think my system has been thru enough battles just since Sunday.

This evening I feel like my body is starting to finally turn a corner for the good.  I appreciate all your prayers and love. Thank you!!

A tornado had been spotted in the area so we all had to get out of our rooms and take cover in the hallway.  As I said, I am in the peds unit and as I go to sit in the rocker I see 2 others around my age along with about 3 elderly people and some family members sitting in chairs.  I sat and prayed.  There were no children in the peds department! :)  We were there about 30 minutes and then able to go to our rooms.  Just thought I'd share the excitement with you just in case you didn't think that it's not exciting enough around here.


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