Thursday, June 11, 2020

Kidney Transplant Update / 5 Year Intestinal Transplantversary

Hey there! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I am Kelsey, her oldest daughter. I have been updating her blog the past few times. If you are new here or want to hear more about Mom's story, you might want to go back to the blog update on Saturday March 3rd, 2012.  Well, let's get started!

From Wednesday through Saturday, it was pretty rough for Mom. She was having muscle spasms and some intense pain from the transplant and was vomiting because she was so nauseated. I was asking her if she remembered how she felt on those days and she said that she can hardly remember it. Saturday was probably one of her roughest days, but I know a God who is a healer and way maker and I know people who prayed for Mom on Saturday night for a specific touch! Mom was able sleep well on Saturday night and woke up on Sunday much better and she was able to eat, walk the halls and we even got to talk to her for a while with out her having to hang up because she was in so much pain! 

On Monday, she called us with some great news! She was coming home tomorrow (Tuesday)! She had her dialysis catheter line pulled out of her chest that was used for dialysis. She hasn't had to do any dialysis so far!! Woo hoo!! 

Mom and Dad both got home on Tuesday at 5:30 and we were all so excited to see each other! 

Last night was her first night back and she had a rough night trying to get in and out of the bed, but she is soooo thankful to be home again and in her own space! She has been sitting up on the couch today talking and making phone calls. 

Last weekend was also her 5 year intestinal transplant anniversary! That's crazy! We are all so thankful that she got the opportunity to receive this gift of life. We know it doesn't go smooth for some and we are so very blessed. I will put some pictures down below of that journey. 

My Dad did open the shop back up for window tinting, graphics, and some other services that don't require any interior cleaning. We are not doing any Complete Details, vacuuming, or wiping down on the inside. We are sanitizing the highly touched areas on the drivers side and wearing mask and gloves in the vehicles. During this quarantine we have been having people order some car wash kits that we have at the shop. We have a line of products we use and love that we have for our customers to buy, take home, have some fun and make memories. Father's Day is coming up, so that would a great present! You can get a hold of us at Shine Shop Supplies on Facebook and Instagram or call us (815)872-4301.

Thank all so much for all the love, support, and prayers! They are greatly appreciated! Keep them coming! 

I hope you all are staying safe as things start shifting. Be cautious and careful. Make someones day by showing extra kindness! The world could use some of that right now. 

Love y'all n praying for you!

"For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me." 
Psalms 31:3
 -Kelsey and Jamie


Welcome Home!!!

Us kids having supper outside

She's home!!
Mom getting the phone call that she was accepted and put on the transplant list (2015)
Matthew and Mom (2015)
Kailey and Mom (2015)
Mom and Dad praying before Mom went into surgery (2015)
Going down for the intestinal transplant (2015)
Mom and I saying goodbye before going in for the transplant (2015)
ICU after the transplant! (2015)
Us kids seeing Mom for the first time after her transplant (2015)
Kailey and Dad hugging Mom. I'm down there too behind Kailey.
(day after transplant) Us kids had to leave so we didn't give her anything sickness wise. (2015)

Matthew hugging Mom goodbye. (2015)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Kidney Transplant Journey

Good Evening to you all! Hope you all have a great day! I know we've had a great and eventful day! 
I know I've updated some of you but I thought I'd put some more info and pictures on here. Before we start I would like to say thank you so so so much for all of the prayers, love and support. Mom and my Grandma really do appreciate it, and so does the family!

Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandmas sister-in-law started their journey to  Madison, Wisconsin at 6:20 am on June 2nd. 
(Mom and Dad, tired but ready to go!)
(Mom is ready to go!)
(Grandma and Mom)
(Mom and Grandma leaving)

They got into Madison around 11:00 am on Tuesday and got tested for Covid-19. (Yes, they both tested negative:) Mom and Grandma both had appointments around 1:30 pm with the doctors and then both went to the hotel to get rested up for the big day! 

June 3rd, 2020
Grandma was the first to go in. She was at the hospital at 6:30 am and they got her registered and hooked up to everything and she went back to the surgery room at 8:30 am and then they started at 9:30 am and was finished at 12:20 pm. The doctor said that it went smoothly and the kidney looked beautiful! We were so happy that we were half way finished and we just needed to pray that Mom's surgery went smoothly and that this kidney would function and work with her body.

Mom went into the hospital around 8:00 am to get set up and ready to go in for the transplant. She went in at 1:30 pm to the surgery room and then went in for the transplant around 2:10 pm and came out of surgery at 4:30 pm. She is in a lot of pain right now, but her kidneys are functioning good so far! We are still unsure if she will have do to a couple rounds of dialysis. 

Please continue to keep them both in prayer and pray that Mom's body won't reject the kidney. 

I cannot say it enough that I'm so grateful for all of the text and prayers we have received yesterday and today. My Mom has effected a lot of lives and I'm so thankful that you all have gotten to know my Mom throughout the years and have gotten to see her go through this journey. 

I will keep you posted if anything changes! 

Stay safe! Love and Prayers!

Mom's last day of dialysis

Mom was ready for her transplant! Her mask says cool beans! haha
                                                  Dad showing us that things were going good!