Tuesday, February 26, 2013

J tube out and 2 units of blood

I had a busy Monday for sure.  I woke up, got ready, and did my blood work. From there we headed to Moline to have the GI doctor to look at the J-tube.   He said it didn't look like it was infected but since I was  fasting that morning he would do an endoscopy and check it out inside.  If all looked clear when he got in there then he would pull it if he couldn't find anything wrong.  He went in and all looked okay so he pulled it. When I woke up while still in the procedure room I asked the nurse if it had been pulled because I could tell with the pain being gone from inside.  The outside part is oozing gastric content due to the hole being there.  They said it takes a couple days to close up.

I got home and my heart started racing like a galloping horse and with it came a low grade fever.  I was able to sleep off and on.  Shane had went to the church for a bit.  Around 7:15 the kids came in our room and sat with blankets wrapped around them.  I was going to read a Bible Story to them, but Kelsey spoke and said I didn't need to be doing that and that she would read to them.  I let her and by page 8 I caught myself drifting in and out of sleep.  When she finished reading she told them to take my hand and they all prayed for me and went upstairs to brush their teeth and go to bed.  I woke up a little later and not sure if I had dreamed of that or did it really happen considering all the meds and me being exhausted.  I had Kelsey come downstairs and asked if it had happened like I thought.  She said yes and my heart melted.  So neat that my kids know how to pray on their own without me even saying anything.  My how they are growing up.:)

Today I am getting 2 units of blood today due to my blood work being low.  My hemaglobin dropped to 7.5 and the doctor wanted me to get 2 units infused.  I have been here since 9:10 and think I'll be done around 3:30. It must be the beautiful weather here causing me to be tired.  The wind is blowing, the snow and ice are falling.  Kids got out at 1 pm today.  Would be alright with  this Mama if we didn't have school tomorrow.:)

Thanks for your prayers

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